Tuesday, February 08, 2005


La Habana, 1958 (the year before Castro took power)

La Habana, 2004

This is not a rural road; this is Calle 35 between A and B in Vedado, La Habana. (In the very heart of the city, this was once one of its poshest neighborhoods.)

Melba Gordue cleans up debris after a building collapsed in front of her house in Havana on June 26, 2003. (And, YES, she will continue living there afterwards.)

A hotel for foreigners

A hotel for Cubans

National Factory of Mirrors (insert punchline here)

"The revolution marches well. To fight, to work, to advance. Go forward!"

La Habana's transportation system

The ration book. (Sugar is rationed.)

1 comment:

UnknownVariable said...

How I long to go there once the fidelito kicks the bucket. That guy has an uncanny knack for staying alive :(

Another sad thing I notice is that the populace doesnt even attempt to clean thier residences. I know several old school cuban mothers, who are absolute clean freaks. They may live in run down slum like areas, but by God, it's gonna be a freakin' clean run down slum like area!

It will be amazing/interesting thing to see how the economy changes once he does die (my guess: year 2046). I'm sure investment captial will flood in from the states. I will make my millions by starting the "UnknownVariable Transport Company". I will haul barges loaded with construction equipment from the states to Cuba.

On a related note. It will be interesting to see the before and after pictures of Venezuela in about 10 -20 years.